What or How?

3 min readDec 21, 2021

Remarks on the end of the year or the continuation of life

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Internet is filled with resolutions and promises, almost canonical words of gratitude to the year 2021 and hopeful expectations for the coming year. It has already become a tradition, in Russia later, in Germany earlier — that people prepare for the end of the year from the beginning of December. These preparations can be nice, but sometimes they stress way too much or press on us with all the past 320 days from the end of November. The TIME begins to look for the meaning of life, Internet writes about the wish lists, New Year’s Eve outfits and what to do to make the Christmas season work best. Everyone speaks words of the end of the year: How was the year? What has been achieved? What did you experience? At this time you want to get out the most blatant story, to write down on the sheet of paper the things you have achieved, in one hand a pen, in the other the list of resolutions 2022. Is not it the mania for achievement that rises during the Christmas vacations? The best gifts, the most blatant surprises, love, joy, merriment 24 hours a day. Those who still have a birthday in this period have to perform double (hello!): the year ends and the personal year is also over. Time for reflection! — is written on our cell phones, in magazines and on the faces of the people we meet on the street. Time to think about what goals we want to set for ourselves in the New Year. And what if we don’t want to set any goals? Maybe it’s better that way?

This year end we spent without cookies, without Christmas tree and only with a wonderful Advent calendar for two. Instead, we were able to focus on each door opening and even more excited to go to my boyfriend’s parents’ house to decorate the tree. Almost nothing came of my goals and resolutions for 2021, because they changed, along with me, along with us, every day. Because the year — like life — has no goal, only an end. The goal has long since ceased to be a what, but perhaps still a how. This how can change every day. So where you ended up on December 31 or where you ended up on your birthday is not an end or not a beginning, but a moment. It is a day that is neither a high nor a low point, but a part of life where you can be happy, disappointed, melancholy, in love or all of the above. There is no stability, so there are no stable days! There is a door-opening that extends not only from December 1 to 24, but is also present in June, July, August and March. There is a how, not what, because what is the goal, the end and how is the continuation, development, life.
An end of the year does not mean that something is over. Along with the demands, pressure, perfectionism, my goals (like finding a super job, which was very important to me) have faded into the background. I feel a bit more lost, but also calmer and happier in most moments — with an advent calendar, with my little apartment, with my new job (no idea if super or not). I don’t have a goal for 2022 or for my 25th year of life, but a wish for calm, inner stability, joy in life and love for myself and the people around me, because that’s where it starts.

I wish a happy, continuous life in 2022 and beyond and cozy, beautiful holidays!




Durch das Schreiben die Welt in mir und um mich herum entdecken. Writing for me means exploring the world and myself through words.